Congratulations to Chris and Mike Hartland’s Newlin Inkspot at Fairleedale VW aka Inca who won Best Veteran in Show on Sat 18th December. The show was Tweedmouth Canine Society Limited show which took place at Lucker near Bamburgh and the judge was Mr Peter Matfin (Ashlantie)
LKA on 11th December was the last championship show of the year. DCC, BOB and G4 was David Craig’s Ch Davricard Jacob. Jacob was winning his 17th CC of the year and his 19th in total.
Jacob’s 2021 wins make an impressive list! From 19 shows he has won 17 CCs and 1 RCC.
9 x BOB, 1 x G2, 1 x G3 and 2 x G4 at General Champ shows, BOB and BIS at a Group Champ Show, 4 x BIS and 3 x RBIS at Breed Champ shows.
Congratulations David on an amazing 6 months!
Winning her 4th CC at LKA was Ch Dufosee Dragonfly of Parkebreeway JW. Pepper (pictured below left) is owned by Mrs E & Mr G Breeze.
The RBCC went to the limit winner Gempeni Cornflower who is 2 years old and owned and bred by Hazel Deans.
Maisie (below right) has also had a very successful 2021 with this being her 16th championship class win in 5 months.
Breed judge was Denise Close (Sparrowgill).
Luisa Fallon and Gregor Watson’s Newlin Rambler aka “Boss” does it again! The 5am start and 6 and a half hour drive on 4th December to Wyre Agility show was well worth it when Boss won 1st in Grade 3 Jumping. Congratulations to this talented boy and of course his equally talented owner and trainer.
The penultimate championship show of 2021 was the Beagle Association’s second show of the year held on 27th November at Asfordby Acres. This was the deferred 2020 show and the entry for judge Mrs Linda Powell (Hayapark) was 101/129. Storm Arwen caused havoc around the country and resulted in a number of absentees. Well done to all those who braved the storm and huge congratulations to Sam and Martin Goldberg whose Molesend Tranquil JW was BIS after having been awarded her 3rd and crowning CC (subject to KC confirmation). Winning his 18th CC and RBIS was David Craig’s Ch Davricard Jacob. There was further success for the Goldbergs when Tranquil’s grandfather Ch Molesend Kaftan JW ShCM went on to win BVIS.
Congratulations to David Craig who had a super day at DC&SWBS Champ show on 10th October, taking BIS with Ch Davricard Jacob, RBIS with Ch Bayard Glory Bee and BPIS with Davricard Marcia. They are pictured here with the judge Samantha Goldberg.
Huge congratulations to Luisa Fallon and Gregor Watson’s ‘Boss’ (Newlin Rambler) who returned to SKC on Sunday to compete in agility. Boss had a fantastic day winning both Grade 2 agility and Grade 2 Jumping and now moves up to Grade 3. Here he is pictured in action and proudly showing off his rosettes.
The start of October continued with the rest of the week of Scottish shows. On Sat 2nd October the Scottish Beagle Club held both its championship and open shows at Lanark. Sheila Miller (Millmar) was awarding CCs for the first time. Congratulations to Claire Jones’ whose Newlin Preston to Clairdale JW was Sheila’s DCC winner and BIS and becomes the latest champion. This was also breeder Liz Calikes’ 100th CC! Full results and photos can be found here. Wendell Moore judged the Open Show and awarded Ch Annavah Buttercup BIS. Click here for full results and photos.
The last of the Scottish shows was Border Union held at Kelso on Mon 4th Oct and judged by Mr Phil Freer, best known for his Switherland bassets. SBC members Serena Parker and Graham Stevens and Lynda and Pam Havard continued their successful week with S. Armani winning the RDCC, Ch S Maid In America the BCC and Ch A.Buttercup the RBCC. Annavah Princess Tiana was BPIB. Well done to Sam McBain whose Redcap Bella Sorella JW ShCM VW was BV and went on to win VG1.
We end September with the first three shows of the Scottish Bonanza Week! Held at Inglstion, Edinburgh, the Hound Association of Scotland, postponed from April, was on the 29th judged by Sandy Platt awarding CCs for the first time. Serenaker Armani won his 2nd CC followed by BOB. It was a first CC for Kellitcreed Dirty Diana at Kingswin. RCCs went to Csiki Kopo Kubik with Kingswin who was also BP and Molesend Tranquil JW
It was a double helping of SKC shows held at the same venue the following day. The postponed May show was judged first by Mr David Roberts followed by the Oct show judged by Lynn Richmond, both making their debut awarding CCs in the breed. The first set of CCs went to Serenaker Armani (his 3rd and crowning) and Ch Annavah Buttercup (her 6th) and the second set went to Newlin Preston to Clairdale JW (his 2nd) and Annavah Lady Gaga (her 1st). RCCs winners were Ch & Vdh Ch Dialynne Peter Piper, Ch Serenaker Maid In America, Serenaker Armani and Ch Annavah Buttercup.
Pictured right is new champion Serenaker Armani (subject to KC confirmation) owned by Serena Parker and Graham Stevens.
Arnie’s CCs were all won in September, at Richmond on the 3rd, HAS on the 29th and SKC on the 30th.
Two championship shows were held on the last September weekend where both judges were awarding CCs for the first time. On Sat 25th it was Birmingham National postponed from May. Andrea Keepence-Keyte awarded Ch Davricard Jacob his 15th CC and BOB. The bitch Dufosee Dragonfly of Parkebreeway JW became the latest champion (subject to KC confirmation). RCCs went to the junior winners Serenaker Armani and Ch Annavah Buttercup.
The following day was the Welsh Beagle Club held at Llanidloes and judged by Sally Precey. It was a 16th CC for Jacob and another RCC for Armani. BCC and BIS was Jacob’s daughter Ch Annavah Buttercup with RCC going to the previous day’s CC winner Dragonfly. BPIS was Sam Goldberg’s MPD Molesend Colt and the same owner’s Ch Molesend Kaftan JW ShCM was BVIS.
Welsh Beagle Club BIS line up. From left BIS, RBIS, BPIS and BVIS
It was a busy day at Ripon Racecourse with two shows being held on the same day in adjacent rings.
Best of Breed at Darlington Champ show was David Craig’s Ch Davricard Jacob. The BCC winner was the same owner’s Ch Bayard Glory Bee. RCCs went to Eardley Alec Tricity and Parker & Stevens’ Ch Serenaker Maid In America. Samantha McBain’s Redcap Bella Sorella JW ShCM VW was BVIB. The judge was Mrs P Marston-Pollock.
Judging of Four Counties BC started after the dog judging at Darlington show was completed. Stacey Burrows was awarding CCs for the first time. After winning his 14th CC, Best in Show went to Ch Davricard Jacob, BCC (her 11th), RBIS and BOS went to Ch Serenaker Maid In America. RCC winners were Parker & Stevens’ Serenaker Armani and the Havard’s Ch Avannah Buttercup. BPIS was the 6 month old MPD winner Davricard Milton and RBPIS was Serenaker Agatha Raisin. Best Veteran was Marion Hunt and Jo Norris’ Shercroft Duchess JW ShCM.
Judges Jessie Bell (left) and Penny Carmichael with their BIS line up. From left Best In Show Ch Davricard Jacob, Best Opposite Sex Ch Bayard Glory Bee (subject to KC confirmation), Best Puppy In Show Serenaker Agatha Raisin and Best Veteran in Show Ch Molesend Kaftan JW ShCM
Congratulations to all the winners at Blackpool held on 21st August. Barry Day awarded David Craig’s Ch Davricard Jacob his 10th CC followed by Best of Breed. Jacob went on to win Hound Group 2 judged by Mr W.I. Moore. David also won the RBCC with Bayard Glory Bee. RDCC was won by Parker and Stevens’ Serenaker Hot as ’Ell. The same owners’ Serenaker Armani was Best Junior in Breed and went on to win Hound Junior Group 2 judged by Mr C.K. Thornton. The same owners also bred Best Puppy in Breed which was the bitch Serenaker Miss Marple owned by Fiona Findlay. Barterhound Princess won Post Graduate and Limit before going on to be awarded her first CC.
Winning his 9th CC and BOB at Bournemouth on 15th August was Ch Davricard Jacob. Newlin Preston JW took his 7th RCC. Ch Serenaker Maid in America topped the bitches winning her 10th CC with Bayard Glory Bee taking the RCC. The judge was Debbie Taylor. Jacob went on to win HG4 judged by Stuart Milner.
Congratulations to Lynda and Pam Havard, the very happy owners of Annavah Buttercup (pictured left) who was BPIB before going on to win PG1 also judged by Stuart Milner.
Huge well done to Susan Arden’s Dottie who had a fantastic day at the KC International Agility Festival on Thursday 12th August . Not only did Dottie go clear in both sections of the British Open Crufts Qualifier but was in the top 30 dogs of this huge event and therefore qualified for the semi final on the Sunday. This was a fantastic achievement and although Dottie did her best in the semi final her handler forgot to tell her which way to go! Dottie is pictured left in training.
Judging of hounds at Paignton took place on 8th August with beagles being judged by Mr J. Horswell. The top awards were shared between two owner/breeders. David Craig’s Ch Davricard Jacob won his 8th CC and BOB with Parker and Stevens’ Serenaker Armani taking his 2nd RCC and was BPIB. In bitches it was Ch Serenaker Maid in America who won the CC with the RCC going to Davricard Saffron. Armani aka Arnie went on to win HPG2 judged by Mr E. Paterson.
Bath show was postponed two months and held over four days 31st July to 3rd August with hounds judged on Monday 2nd August. From an entry of 85/86 Jill Peak awarded his 7th CC and BOB to David Craig’s Ch Davricard Jacob. His daughter Annavah Buttercup owned by Pam and Lynda Havard won her 3rd CC and BPIB. The Annavah girls had an excellent day with A. Lady Gaga going home with the RBCC. The RDCC was won by Eardley Alec Tricity.
Jacob finished the day with Hound Group 3 judged by Mr J Horswell while Buttercup went PG4 judged by Mrs R Parry. There was more success for Beagles in the groups with G4 places in both the Special Beginners and Veteran groups.
Leeds Championship show was held at Harewood Estate in cooler, more comfortable weather conditions . Hounds were judged on 24th July and the judge of beagles was Kath Parkin. The top dog winners were a repeat of the Houndshow with David Craig’s Ch Davricard Jacob winning his 6th CC and BOB and Claire Jones’ Newlin Preston to Clairdale JW his 6th RCC. Parker & Stevens’ Serenaker Armani won BPD and BPIB for the second time in two weeks. The same owners’ Ch Serenaker Maid in America went one better than her recent RCCs and won the BCC with Felinoak My Delilah repeating her success from the Beagle Club and taking the RCC. It was another BPB win for the Havard’s Annavah Buttercup. Beagles didn’t take any of the group placings today.
A week later The Hound Association held their championship show in extremely hot conditions on 17th July. Huge congratulations to David Craig’s Ch Davricard Jacob who, after winning his 5th CC and BOB under breed judge Georgina Kemp, went on to top the lot by winning BEST IN SHOW. Georgina’s BPIB winner Parker & Stevens’ Serenaker Armani was also successful in the big ring winning BPIS3. The BIS and BPIS judge was Stuart Mallard. Georgina’s other main winners were Claire Jones’ Newlin Preston to Clairdale JW who was awarded another RDCC to bring his tally to five. BCC was a second for Dufosee Dragonfly of Parkebreeway JW with RBCC going to Parker & Stevens’ Ch Serenaker Maid In America. BVIB went to Nedlaw Rupert with Maplelayne JW. There was yet another beagle success in the big ring - see below.
Many congratulations to Donna Fitzpatrick on the fantastic success at the Houndshow of her puppy Blunderhall Blow A Fuse. Brooke was attending her first ever show and not only qualified for Crufts 2022 but ended the day by winning BEST SPECIAL BEGINNER IN SHOW at the tender age of 9 months. The judge was Mrs Viv Phillips. Brooke is by Eardley Alec Tricity at Blunderhall JW x Blunderhall Bootylicious and is bred by Sharon Hardisty.
The day after East of England exhibitors made their way to Asfordby, Melton Mowbray for the Beagle Association’s Championship show. Judge of dogs Dawn Banks awarded a 4th CC to David Craig’s Davricard Jacob. RCC and BPD went to Serena Parker & Graham Stevens’ Serenaker Armani and BVD to Sam Goldberg’s Ch Molesend Kaftan JW ShCM. Maureen Henningsson-Dundas judged the bitches and awarded Annavah Buttercup her 2nd CC in two days. Sam Goldberg’s Molesend Tranquil JW was the RCC winner. BVB was Ch Raimex Brittany JW.
Best In Show went to Jacob with daughter Buttercup RBIS and BPIS. BVIS went to Kaftan and Best Vintage to Raimex Rowanberry
The second general championship show of the year was held on Friday 10th July at Peterborough. Emily Thornton judged an entry of 77/81 at East of England show in very warm and sunny weather.
Congratulations to Claire Jones whose Newlin Preston to Clairdale JW went one better than two weeks ago and won his first CC followed by BOB over Lynda and Pam Havard’s Annavah Buttercup who was also winning her first CC. Buttercup was BPIB and went on to win HPG4. RCCs went to Brimbleway Saving Grace and Nictoney Vanquish.
Preston is pictured left at BC
(courtesy of S&S productions)
Two days later The Beagle Club held their Championship show at Cirencester.Nikki Peterson had an entry of 120/138 to judge. Notable SBC members’ wins were BCC and Best in Show David Craig’s Bayard Glory Bee, DCC (his 3rd) and RBIS David’s Davricard Jacob, RDCC and BPD Parker & Stevens’ Serenaker George Gently, Sam Goldberg’s Ch Molesend Kaftan JW ShCM and the Havard’s Annavah Buttercup who was BPB and BPIS. RBCC was Felinoak My Delilah and BVIS Ch Raimex Brittany JW.