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Beagle Breeders

Potential puppy buyers should be aware of adverts in tabloid papers from dubious sources.  “Puppy farmers” are only interested in breeding for money with little interest in the care and well-being  of dams or pups. Click on the link above to read an illuminating interview with a puppy farmer.   Breeders who show their Beagles aim to produce healthy puppies with good temperamant, conforming to breed standards, and will choose the best matings possible optimising the chances of producing sound puppies.
Listed below are some recommended breeders of Beagles in Scotland and England.
Breeders with beagles currently, or soon to be available are highlighted in blue.

Anyone wishing to advertise puppies on these pages is required to have been  a member of the Scottish Beagle Club for  a minimum of 3 years. POSTINGS WILL REMAIN ACTIVE FOR ONE MONTH UNLESS A REQUEST TO REMOVE OR EXTEND IS RECEIVED .

Please contact the secretary if you would like to be added to the lists below.

   Breeders in Scotland

Benroma & Divinebrae Beagles

Dapperdawg Beagles

Dughallmor Beagles

Gempeni Beagles

Rhiconich Beagles

Tannahill Beagles

Wyvisview Beagles

   Breeders in England

Bondlea & Shercroft Beagles

Clairdale Beagles

Davricard Beagles

Dentonside Beagles

Fallowfield Beagles

Madika Beagles

Molesend Beagles

Serenaker Beagles

Beagle Welfare frequently have beagles in need of suitable homes.
Their website can be found
here or via our Links page.