As webmaster I (and no doubt other committee members / breeders mentioned within these pages) receive frequen t e-mails from people considering buying their first beagle. Most have done some level of research on the breed but want an “insider’s” viewpoint to what living with a beagle entails. I personally think this is a responsible attitude. You are bringing a new member into your family who could be part of your life for 15 years - it shouldn’t be done lightly. These guidelines are one person’s perspective. I don’t claim to be an “expert” - indeed I still seek advice from beagle friends who have been involved with the breed much longer than I have. It may not be representative and is not meant to be an all-encompassing guide to the world of “beagledom”, but it may give prospective owners an insight into what to expect when you live with a beagle from someone who loves his dogs as the family members they are (and save me typing out the same replies twice weekly!) If you decide a beagle puppy is for you then see our Breeders section here. |