Veteran Dog (1)
1 Arden’s CH MADIKA NUT CASE 11YRS good head and reach of neck ,good front & shoulder plenty rib shown in excellent condition stood alone but well worthy
Minor Puppy Dog ~ No entries Puppy Dog ~ No entries
Junior Dog (5:2a)
1. Calike’s NEWLIN BAILIFF striking broken tri ,lovely head &exp dark eye, good bone with plenty of substance well sprung ribs short coupled level topline on the move correct tail carriage .He moves true fore and aft driving from the hocks and well muscled BD BIS
2. McCourtney’s NEWLIN ANCHORMAN attractive tri shown in good shining condition ,short & square plenty rib and bend of stifle.
3. Newlin Anchor Chief
Post Graduate Dog (7:3a)
2. NEWLIN ANCHOR CHIEF tan/white pleasing head ,correct ear set short strong body plenty bend of stifle moved OK
3. Newlin Walnut 4. Misken Lewis at Wyvisview
Limit Dog (5:1a)
2. Lawson’s MISKEN RHUM AT WINTHANK tri nice head short coupled and good bend of stifle moved well with correct tail carriage
3. Fallowfield Fusion of Finmorlan JW ShCM 4. Misken Lewis at Wyvisview
Open Dog (8)
1. McDonald’s FALLOWFIELD DUCE OF FINMORLAN mature tan/white short deep body plenty bone and rib well muscled hind quarters sound mover
2. Bennett’s NEWLIN SKIPPER striking dark tri lovely head and eye well sprung rib and good hindquarters pressed hard just preferred movement of 1
3. Craigmount Saturn ShCM 4. Bruadair Buadhmhor ShCM 5. Newlin Anchorman
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Junior Handling
1st Morven MacDonald 2nd Lewis Fraser 3rd Emma Bennett 4th Nicole McCourtney
1. This young lady is an accompished handler who executed her patterns with precision. At no time did she come between me and her dog and corrected when I misplaced her dog's leg on the table.However I would like to see her move her dog at a slightly faster pace to get the best from her free moving charge.
2. This is another experienced and promising handler who also spotted the misplaced leg and quickly corrected it.He handles his little bitch sympathetically and keeps his eye on the judge at all times.Today his angles were not quite as precise as Morven's which cost him first place.
3 and 4. These are two novice handlers who both made good attempts at following my instructions. Both had 'borrowed' dogs, unlike the first two who were handling their own hounds. Both these handlers show promise and with more experience and practice will soon reach the standard of those who were placed in front of them.
Liz Calikes Junior Handling Judge ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Veteran Bitch (6)
1. Deans’ CH & IR CH GEMPENI WILDFLOWER lemon & white in top condition a worthy champion liked her as a youngster and pleased to see her at 12 yrs. Short well balanced ,correct angulation and movement headed a good class of veterans BVIS
2. Purves’ CRAIGMOUNT HONEYDEW another lemon nice head in good condition
3. Rocamar Smiles at Madika ShCM 4. Newlin Fanfare 5. Newlin Fern
Minor Puppy Bitch ~ No entries Puppy Bitch ~ No entries
Junior Bitch (8)
1. Hill’s DAPPERDAWG HEART OF KAOS tan/white good type pleasing head soft exp ,good angulation behind sound mover
2. Goldberg’s SABINHAY CHICORY tri plenty of rib and substance just preferred overall balance of 1
3. Davricard Buddleia for Wyvisview 4. Newlin Blackberry 5. Tannahill Miss Sunshine at Nosirrom
Post Graduate Bitch (10)
1. Paton & Doran’s CRAIGMOUNT TIME WILL TELL tri pleasing head good reach of neck short coupled and excellent bend of stifle moved with drive
2. McDonald’s NEWLIN ZOE OF FINMORLAN attractive broken tri with a lot to like shown in excellent condition
3.Barterhound Rosebud at Madika JW ShCM 4.Bruadair Eiridinn 5.Dapperdawg Heart Of Kaos
Limit Bitch (7)
1. Matthew’s BENROMA WILLOW AT CARVAHA tri good head plenty neck and good shoulder placement plenty bend of stifle sound mover level topline
2. Deans’ BARTERHOUND BOUQUET FOR GEMPENI JW nice type just preferred length of rib and overall balance of the winner
3.Craigmount Tempting Fate 4.Dufosee Gypsy Rose at Dughallmor 5.Sabinhay Fairmaid
Open Bitch (6)
1. Linden’s BRUDAIR DEALAIDH JW ShCM beautiful tri lovely head soft exp good neck leading to good layback of shoulder ,good depth of chest and forearm plenty bone and short coupled with good bend of stifle moved with reach and drive BB
3. Newlin Blackberry 4. Tamara Twirl 5. Clarissa Essence of Tess
1st Gordon (handled by Smart) 2nd McAllister 3rd Goldberg