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General News

23rd February

News from Cathryn Mellersh, Head of the Canine Genetics Centre.

The first update is that I have recorded a short presentation about the CGC’s DNA sample collection. During the presentation I explain what the collection is, what it is used for and why we must preserve it to benefit all dogs - those that we have now and those that will share our lives in the future.

The Canine Genetics Centre needs help now to safeguard this unique resource.

In my presentation I explain that securing grant funding for general resources, such as the DNA collection, is challenging so grass roots stakeholders must come together to share the cost of maintaining the DNA sample collection, if its future is to be guaranteed.

The video lasts about 15 mins and can be viewed by following this link: https://www.canine-genetics.org.uk/presentation-about-the-cgc-biobank-what-uses-why/

The second update is that the CGC is holding a research day on March 21st, at the University of Cambridge. The day will include presentations by several members of the Canine Genetics Centre, about the research that we are currently doing to investigate inherited diseases in dogs and develop a better understanding of how to diagnose, prevent and treat disease in future generations. Each presentation will be followed by a Q&A session.

We will also be awarding the inaugural Friends of the CGC Health and Welfare Award. The winner(s) will be chosen from nominations made by Friends of the CGC, to people who make a positive impact on the health and/or welfare of dogs.

Tickets are on sale now, and are limited to 90. The registration fee includes refreshments i.e. tea, coffee, and sandwich lunch.