*******DECEMBER *******
December has started just like November - with a very happy Scottish exhibitor! Rachel Cuthill’s trek to LKA under Colin Lomax proved fruitful as Vinnie’s 3rd CC win earns him the title of Champion. Ch Serenaker Trial By Magic is 5 years old and was bred by Serena Parker and Graham Stevens (Am Ch Wilkeep Co’s Hocus Pocus at Fallowfield x S. Freya). His other CCs were won in consecutive years (2010/11) at SKC. Rachel also had success at LKA with her new puppy Serenaker Othello, co-owned with and bred by Serena & Graham. Dyson was Best Puppy Dog after winning the MPD class. This follows on from his MPD class and Pro Plan Puppy Dog Stakes wins at Midland Counties.
Scotland has a new Champion as Fiona Kelly and Stewart Brannan’s Ardvreck Caerlaverock von Dapperdawg ShCM has won his 3rd CC at 5 years of age. His “crown” was gained at the same venue as his first just a year ago under Pat Sutton - West Mercia Beagle Club, this time under judge Brian Dyson. His second CC came in June at 3 Counties under Darren Fellows. “Monty” was bred by Nigel Blackstock (Bruadair Buadhmhor ShCM x Rosanka Gabor) and is 5 years old.
*******OCTOBER *******
Congratulations to Chris Hartland whose photograph of Sabinhay Fairmaid exploring the Yorkshire Dales won “Best In Show” and “Best Foreign Entry” at the National Beagle Club of America’s 2011 Photographic Competition. All winning photos are framed and auctioned after the society’s show with proceeds benefiting the USA’s equivalent of Beagle Welfare. Chris can now be proud to say she is helping Beagles on both sides of “the pond”!
*******SEPTEMBER *******
*******AUGUST *******
We now have an OAP “border raider” plundering Scottish shows and making off with the prizes! In all seriousness hearty congratulations to Chris & Mike Hartland and 9˝ yr old Sabinhay Fairmaid who has to be the oldest Best of Breed for many a year in Scotland following her win at Banff, Moray & Nairn on May 28th. Fairmaid then topped this off by taking 4th place in the Hound Group.
A good SKC for home bred beagles, particularly the dogs where all but the two puppy classes were claimed by the “locals.” Rachel Cuthill repeated her winning feat of last year to claim Serenaker Trial By Magic’s 2nd CC. Competition in the bitches was always going to be harder but Ger Ch Newlin Breeze JW (pictured below, left) won Open and the RBCC. Once again up against Serena Parker for BOB, Vinnie (pictured opposite at Dundee last year) lost out this time to Serenaker Hey Jude Click here for full results.
The number of Scottish born beagles gaining their title abroad has increased by two over the last year. Following on from Newlin Breeze JW (left) becoming a German Champion last year, Bruadair Gaoloch (right) has just become a Polish Champion at 29 months of age.
Two Best of Breeds, two different months, two different countries, same weekend. These are the stats for Jim & Debbie Linden’s Bruadair Lag-An-Rata who made the relatively short trip along the M8 for the first win on Saturday April 30th at Clackmannanshire under Paul McFarlane. Then a longer trip across the border on May 1st to attend Border Counties Hound Club under Colin Gillanders and scoop the 2nd BOB. “Lagan” was then awarded RBIS under Frieda Marshall.
Members should be aware of a mandatory change to our Constitution by the Kennel Club. Clause 2 of the General Code of Ethics now reads as follows ; (Club Members) Will agree, without reservation, that any veterinary surgeon performing an operation on any of their dogs, which alters the natural conformation of the animal, or who carries out a caesarean section on a bitch, may report such operation to the Kennel Club.
A good day was enjoyed at Ross & Cromarty by Erica Matthews. Giggling Gossip at Carvaha won AVHP and was BPIB, Carvaha Solitaire won Beagle Open and Redcap Moonlight Serenade at Carvaha (pictured opposite) won the Post Grad class, Group 1 and was Reserve Best in Show.
Lynne Zabek had an unusual day at work recently when Purina were on the lookout for “real vet Nurses” with dogs who eat their product. The dog in question is Ruby (Bruadair Gaoilein) and her photo shoot at the Braidhills surgery in Edinburgh can be seen here.
Congratulations to Christine Lewis whose Fallowfield Royal Rupert won the Dog CC and Best of Breed at Scotland’s first Champ Show of the year, Hound Association of Scotland, under Judge Robin Sadler.
March News items start where February finished - with Newlin Anchor Chief achieving further Agility success. His win at Gleniffer AC show means he has “won out” of Grade 4 and will now compete in Grade 5. A proud Luisa has sent this link to see Chief in action at Gleniffer.
A cautionary tale from Chris Hartland regarding the possible perils of dog walking. Husband Mike and their veteran girl Sabinhay Fairmaid spent Christmas day at the emergency vets after being attacked and bitten by a Great Dane (which, it was later confirmed, has a history of behavioural problems.). Christine relates that “Fairmaid was traumatised and had puncture wounds to both her front legs and shoulders and was on painkillers and antibiotics.” Fairmaid is recovering and had Mike’s daughter’s beagle (Newlin Elmer) stayed over for a fortnight to take her mind off things and help build her confidence. Both beagles are pictured opposite. The irony is that this happened in the home village of the beagle famous for sending in photos of her explorations from Dorset to North West Scotland! We wish Fairmaid, Chris & Mike a full recovery from their ordeal.